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STM32 tutorials

29 tutorials that covers everything you need to get started and develop autonomy. Pure bare-metal programming here, with the CMSIS layer only and no HAL. Be ready to dive in the ST user manual.

Updated 01/2024 with STM32CubeIDE 1.14.0

FreeRTOS tutorials

14 tutorials to discover RTOS programming. Learn to instantiate FreeRTOS with your STM32 projects and visit several use cases of kernel objects.

If you think that you don't need an RTOS because you've been programming without for decades, try this, and you'll never return to the super-loop.

If you think that an RTOS is an obscure layer that gets you away from low-level programming, try this also. You might change your mind.

Updated 01/2024 with FreeRTOS 10.5.1 and Trace Recorder 4.8.1

Cadence tutorials

12 tutorials to get you started with Cadence SPB17.4. From the schematic entry to the PCB manufacturing files, via PSPICE simulation.